Public Speaker

Spiritually Understanding The Music Industry

D. Saunders also known as The Overseer is a 23-year veteran in the music industry as an artist’s manager, consultant, and indie label executive. He has spent his entire music career helping young inspiring artists find themselves and enhancing their artistry through music business education. 

Giving them the drive and motivation to empower themselves and to learn not just music business but business in general. The goal for this young generational is to give them hope and wisdom so they will develop into the leaders of today and tomorrow. Today's youth must be warned about the pitfalls along with the smoke & mirrors that take advantage of their innocence and miseducation.

Knowing the value of creating generational wealth for their children and grandchildren. D’s main goal and focus is to change the was the music industry is run and to put our future leaders in positions as executives in the major record labels, so they can make an impact internally. 

There are millions of dollars to be made that can be used to help give opportunities to high schools and university’s that will bring music business education to the next level. Also doing what you love makes all the difference in the world. It’s time to change lives financially and show its possible to be successful and not live in poverty mentally, spiritually, and physically. It’s time to write your story on your terms

$5,000.00 In Person/Virtual
Public Speaker, Life Coach, Spiritual Counsel, Music Industry

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Music Consultation/Life Coaching

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